Leaders from the Senate and House Armed Services committees unveiled a new 2022 National Defense Authorization Act on Dec. 7 in a bid to overcome gridlock and hasten the passage of the annual policy bill. The new bill, passed by the House that night, combines ...
The Air Force uses billions of gallons of fuel every year, the vast majority of it aviation fuel to power its fleet of aircraft. But as the Defense Department seeks to increase its energy efficiency and secure its power grids, the department’s biggest consumer of ...
Calling the condition of the military’s depots, shipyards, and arsenals a “crisis,” House Armed Services Committee Readiness panel chair John Garamendi (D-Calif.) gave Pentagon acquisition and sustainment officials three months to return a five-year plan for modernizing the military’s organic industrial base, warning that the ...
The House Armed Services Committee worked through its markup of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act on Sept. 1, largely agreeing with its Senate counterpart on the overall top line of the Pentagon's budget but breaking with it in regards to the establishment of a ...
Upgrades in missile technology over the past several years have made the F-35 less survivable than previously hoped, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Aug. 31 as he pushed for more investment in smaller, unmanned platforms. The Air Force plans to buy ...