The Air Force plans to divest nearly 650 aircraft over the coming five years while purchasing fewer than 250, reducing its fleet by exactly 400 tails, a pair of congressmen said during House Armed Services Committee hearings April 27. Those cuts would include a much-reduced ...
The manned fighter aircraft that will form the centerpiece of the Air Force’s Next Generation Air Dominance program will cost hundreds of millions of dollars per plane, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall told members of Congress on April 27—but the service can reduce costs in ...
As commercial satellites feed images from Ukraine to U.S. space and intelligence agencies in a historically collaborative effort, Space Force leaders are eager to learn how else they can put the commercial sector to work for the service.
In the lead-up to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, "hunt-forward" teams deployed from U.S. Cyber Command to help the Ukrainians harden their networks and identify vulnerabilities—an early defensive play in a conflict that would be dominated by information operations and cyber threats. CYBERCOM also provided remote ...
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reignited talks about more permanent U.S. bases and troops in Europe, especially in the eastern portion of the continent where allies and partners are clamoring for it to counter Russia’s influence. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark ...
Concerns over weapons of mass destruction have surged in recent weeks as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has turned increasingly brutal. Officials warn that Russian President Vladimir Putin may use chemical, biological, or even nuclear weapons. For the Defense Department’s counter-WMD leaders, it’s a pivotal moment—and ...
F-35s in Eastern Europe have been performing some “elegant” intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions as part of the NATO response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the head of U.S. European Command told lawmakers March 30—and he expects the fighter’s presence on the continent to expand ...
While China remains the long-term pacing threat, and immediate concerns focus on Russia’s aggression in Eastern Europe, the U.S. cannot afford to neglect its own back yard and allow its two near-peer adversaries to gain a foothold, the leaders of U.S. Northern and Southern Commands ...
The Pentagon will update its recent Global Posture Review to consider placing more forces in Eastern Europe on a permanent or rotational basis, DOD officials said at a House Armed Services Committee hearing. The situation may also drive a delay in the National Defense Strategy ...
China’s efforts to develop and field hypersonic weapons has been “tenfold” that of the U.S.’s own push, but the Pentagon will likely increase funding for testing, development, and threat warning in that area in the forthcoming 2023 budget, the commander of U.S. Northern Command told ...
As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began in the early hours of Feb. 24, members of Congress issued a deluge of statements condemning the attack and calling on Russian President Vladimir Putin to cease hostilities. Now, as the invasion continues to unfold, lawmakers are set to ...
Striking a balance between mission requirements and Airmen’s preferences is one of the biggest challenges for the Air Force’s talent management, the service’s personnel boss told Congress on Feb. 8. And one of the trickiest aspects to that balance involves the moves that so often ...