The Defense Department “collected nearly 11,000 units” of COVID-19 convalescent plasma by the end of fiscal 2020—almost 3,000 units more than its original goal—Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper announced during an Oct. 15 Heritage Foundation event. Donations of blood plasma containing antibodies for the new ...
The military’s travel and other restrictions related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are likely to stick around for a while, until a vaccine is broadly available, which Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley said he expects to be a matter ...
A Pentagon effort to shutter or downsize the scope of services offered at 50 military hospitals and/or clinics across the country—12 of which are located on Air Force bases—has been slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Defense Health Agency Director Army Lt. Gen. Ronald J. Place ...
An Air Force Instruction published earlier this month aims to ensure that Airmen who suffer miscarriages are given time to recover and get back into fighting shape before taking their next fitness assessment. These Airmen weren’t previously guaranteed a minimum grace period before they were ...
The Women’s Health Transition Training Program, a joint venture with the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense, has shifted its trainings completely online through the end of July in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program teaches woman Active-duty troops about Veterans Health Administration support ...
A coalition of military and veterans associations is urging lawmakers to reverse Pentagon plans to close or downsize military medical facilities as the COVID-19 outbreak spreads. In February, the Pentagon said it planned to close or downsize 50 medical clinics, including 12 on Air Force ...
While the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing the nation and military to learn how to operate in a strange new world, it hasn’t diminished the force’s readiness, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. John Hyten said on May 21. According to ...
Military medical facilities across the globe can resume elective procedures as long as their communities meet criteria outlined in new guidance released May 20. The Pentagon in March directed a restriction on elective procedures as the COVID-19 outbreak spread and threatened to overwhelm the military ...
Air Force Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg took time out from leading the Air Force’s medical response to the COVID-19 pandemic to speak with Air Force Magazine about supply shortages, hotspots, and future changes that could be wrought by lessons from this experience.
Air Force Pararescuemen live by the motto, "These things we do, that others may live." Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein owes his life to that motto, having been rescued by PJs in Serbia after his F-16 was shot down in 1999. Now ...
Air Force researchers and mobility crews recently evaluated six airframes over the course of two weeks in an effort to better understand the airflow of mobility aircraft in case there is a need to airlift a large number of COVID-19 positive passengers. Researchers placed systems ...
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Yokota Air Base, Japan, is having a new kind of health scare: whooping cough. An individual who works at both the on-base Pizza Hut and the installation’s Military Clothing Store was diagnosed with the highly contagious, bacterial disease, which is formally ...