Gen. Stephen W. “Seve” Wilson retired Nov. 13 after 39 years of service, ending his tenure as the Air Force’s longest-serving vice chief of staff. Wilson, who is replaced as USAF’s No. 2 by Gen. David W. Allvin, served four years and four months in ...
Air Force leaders honored outgoing Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein July 31 at the Air Force Memorial in Arlington, Va., as he heads for retirement in the coming days. Goldfein is leaving his post as the Air Force’s top uniformed official on Aug. ...
The Air Force wants to add more Airmen for space, sensing, command and control, and logistics, if upcoming military budgets let the service grow, Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Stephen “Seve” Wilson said May 20. Wilson also said plans for a larger bomber force will ...