The Air Force may be planning to divest more than 1,400 airplanes over the next five years, with a net reduction of more than 1,000 after new ones are added in, a Nebraska Senator said in a budget hearing April 7. The Air Force would ...
China’s August launch of a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile that circumnavigated the globe before reentry demonstrates the need for innovative solutions to spotting and tracking such threats. Unlike conventional intercontinental ballistic missiles, which follow a predictable ballistic arc, China’s hypersonic glide vehicle circled the world at ...
"Foreign adversaries increasingly are incorporating technological superiority into strategic planning to gain advantage over the U.S. While sometimes coming from true scientific advances and genuine research and development, for some adversaries reverse engineering, intellectual property theft, corporate espionage, and cyber intrusions constitute official state policy. ...
Defense Department officials will visit Capitol Hill on Nov. 3 to brief staffers on the department's annual report on the Chinese military amid heightened concerns about China's military buildup, a DOD spokesperson confirmed. The report, “2021 Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of ...