Pacific Air Forces boss Gen. C.Q. Brown Jr. will get his shot at becoming the Air Force’s next Chief of Staff at his Senate confirmation hearing scheduled for May 7. The Senate Armed Services Committee plans to vet Brown, Navy Secretary nominee Kenneth Braithwaite, and ...
Want to be one of the first military members to volunteer to join the Space Force? Your 30-day window of opportunity starts May 1. “I know 30 days isn’t a long time, which is why we’re trying to get out in front of it,” Chief ...
Nearly 90 newly minted second lieutenants are heading to the Space Force as its first company-grade officers, following their April 18 graduation from the U.S. Air Force Academy. Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond likened the first young Space Force members to USAFA's inaugural ...
The Space Force is working on its capstone space doctrine publication as well as a new deterrence strategy to shape its way forward, Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond said in an April 7 discussion with AFA’s Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. New doctrine ...
Work is still underway to build up the Space Force even as the new coronavirus raises some unexpected hurdles, the service's top uniformed officer said March 27. Three people assigned to the Space Force in Colorado have tested positive for the virus, Chief of Space ...
Details of how the Air Force Reserve will support the U.S. Space Force “haven’t been fully fleshed out,” but for now, any backup it provides will remain under the purview of Air Force Reserve Command, Reserve Chief Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee told Air Force Magazine ...
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif.—Col. Scott Brodeur has big plans for the Combined Space Operations Center here as he enters his last few months as commander. The CSpOC is a secretive command-and-control organization that tracks objects in space and acts as a liaison between those ...
Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond has signed into effect a new strategy for making satellite communications more resilient and effective as U.S. adversaries try to chip away at those capabilities. “Despite the global, instantaneous reach of our SATCOM capabilities, which includes both military ...
For most, space policy is still more science fiction than reality—the stuff of a galaxy far, far away. People imagine laser-toting gunships and interplanetary bases, not airmen at consoles adjusting satellites in orbit. Those perceptions have persisted through about 18 months of pressure from the ...