America’s civilian and military space agencies are walking a fine line with Russia. On one hand, NASA wants to preserve the partnership with its Russian counterpart Roscosmos that has spurred cultural and scientific exchange on the International Space Station and other joint missions since the ...
Military spouses must support each other and reach out when they need help, the spouses of top Air Force and Space Force leaders said during the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference. Military life can be stressful, with all the moving, trying ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people around the world work, travel, and live. The U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force are no different. When the threat of the virus became clear, leaders throughout the Department of the Air Force sprung into action ...
When the Space Force’s first seven enlisted recruits head to Basic Military Training next month, they will become the guinea pigs in one of many experiments underway in the new service aimed at building a better armed force. The service is embarking on a series ...
Department of the Air Force leaders are preparing for a continuing resolution that could curb spending for several months, Air Force Secretary Barbara M. Barrett said Sept. 15. House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said he will bring CR legislation to the chamber floor ...
The Air Force has a window of opportunity to change and it must do so quickly, because “our advantage as a nation, as an Air Force, as a joint team is eroding,” Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said Aug. 29, noting the ...
Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper oversaw leadership changes for two combatant commands—U.S. Space Command and U.S. Northern Command—during back-to-back ceremonies at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., on Aug. 20. Army Gen. James H. Dickinson assumed command of SPACECOM from USAF Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, ...
The Space Force on Aug. 10 rolled out its inaugural policy document that will govern how it organizes, trains, and equips service members for military space operations. The new doctrine solidifies the interdependence of civil, military, intelligence, and commercial players as the U.S. tries to ...