The F-35 Joint Program Office has agreed in principal to pay up to $11.8 billion for the next 145 F-35s from manufacturer Lockheed Martin—but final details on the deal won’t be hammered out until the spring.
The Joint Program Office and Lockheed Martin have struck a “handshake deal” on prices for Lots 18 and 19 of the F-35 fighter, but have not yet revealed them. The agreement is about a year overdue, and comes after a period where the company was ...
More than 90 brand-new F-35s, many in storage since last fall, can be delivered now that a “truncated” version of the Tech Refresh 3 software has been approved for use.
The House Armed Services Committee will add three more test-dedicated F-35s to the fleet, reaching the nine the Joint Program Office said it needs to meet test requirements. The move is part of a cluster of efforts the HASC is taking to put the spurs ...
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has been cleared for full rate production in a Milestone C decision directed by Pentagon acquisition executive William LaPlante.
Little operational impact is expected from contaminated powdered metal used to make high-pressure discs that may have been installed in F-35 fighters, the Joint Program Office said. Any suspect parts will be changed out at depot.
The Navy, which awards all F-35 contracts, has awarded deals to Lockheed Martin and Pratt & Whitney for just over $1 billion, covering long-lead parts, F-35 helmets, and F135 engines.
The F-35’s engine may have parts made from contaminated nickel powder, but the risk to the fleet is considered small, the Joint Program Office and Pratt & Whitney said. Inspections of suspect parts have been made for two years.
It’s hard to know why the F-35 Block 4 upgrade's cost—now $16.5 billion and rising—is going up because it is mixed with the rest of the program, the Government Accountability Office said in a new report.
Lockheed Martin is again delivering F-35s after a three-month hiatus, following a back-to-flight approval on March 8. Investigators continue to plumb the cause of a Dec. 14, 2022 crash and implement a fix to an issue with the F135 engine. The first aircraft delivered after ...
Lockheed Martin restarted flying operations at its Fort Worth, Texas, facilities March 6, paving the way for deliveries of F-35s to resume after a nearly three-month hiatus. It's not yet clear when the first new F-35 of 2023 will be delivered.
The entire F-35 fleet is slated to get the retrofit engine maker Pratt & Whitney has identified to mitigate the problem that led to suspended deliveries and flight restrictions for some aircraft for nearly two months—a move that will affect hundreds of fighters globally. The decision ...