While the Air Force has moved to put the F-15EX fighter program under contract, it's not obliged to buy the entire notional fleet of 144 of the jets, and could terminate the program at any time, according to Air Force Materiel Command. It may wish ...
The Pentagon will acquire eight F-35A jets previously bound for Turkey, plus six more F-35As under an $861.7 million contract. The contract modifies a previous fixed-price award and “exercises options to procure eight Lot 14 F-35A Lightning II repositioned aircraft as a result of the ...
The Air Force will have the first two F-15EXs in hand for testing in about six months, Boeing's F-15 Vice President and Program Manager Pratyush Kumar said. His comments come just two days after the Air Force officially launched the program with a contract worth ...
The Air Force's F-15EX contract awarded to Boeing July 13 could cover as many as 200 of the advanced Eagles, 56 more than the service has previously said it would buy. The “up to” figure in the contract is an increase from 144, which the ...
Boeing received a $1.2 billion sole-source Air Force contract July 13 to begin buying the first eight F-15EX fighters, meant to replace the F-15C/D Eagle fleet, which is rapidly aging out, the Pentagon announced. The contract could ultimately be worth nearly $23 billion and involve ...
House appropriators are planning to offer the Pentagon $694.6 billion for operations, personnel, and procurement, plus another $10.5 billion for military construction, in fiscal 2021. The Defense Department funding proposal is $1.3 billion higher than DOD received in fiscal 2020, but nearly $4 billion lower ...