The Pentagon is opening four additional bases, including two Air Force installations, to the Department of Health and Human Services for the possible quarantine of personnel as the coronavirus outbreak continues. On Feb. 1, the Pentagon agreed to provide housing at Travis Air Force Base, ...
Only one-fifth of US Southern Command's intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance requirement is being met, and much of that doesn't even come from military hardware. SOUTHCOM boss Adm. Craig Faller told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Jan. 30 that of the roughly 20 percent of ...
Defense Secretary Mark Esper rallied the troops for the New Year in a letter telling Pentagon employees to work hard, spend money wisely, and prioritize their time well to maintain global military dominance. In a Jan. 2 memo to all Defense Department personnel, Esper urged ...
There are no plans to remove forces from Iraq following the Iraqi Parliament’s non-binding resolution calling on the government to kick coalition forces from the country, despite a mistakenly released letter detailing plans to withdraw, top Pentagon officials said Jan. 6. Chairman of the Joint ...
Eric Chewning, the chief of staff to Defense Secretary Mark Esper, will step down this month, the latest in a series of high-profile officials to leave the Pentagon. Jen Stewart, currently the minority staff director for the House Armed Services Committee, will take over the ...