Raytheon Technologies will move its corporate headquarters from outside Boston, Mass., to the Rosslyn neighborhood of Arlington, Va., the company announced. The announcement came just a month after Boeing announced plans to also move to the National Capital Region.
The Senate confirmed William LaPlante to be the Pentagon's undersecretary for acquisition and sustainment on April 7. LaPlante is a seasoned acquisition and defense professional, having served in key technology jobs in the Pentagon--where he last was Air Force acquisition executive--to industry, where he was ...
The F-35 will miss yet another deadline for completing final tests and being approved for full-scale production, according to a memo from Pentagon acquisition and sustainment chief Ellen Lord. The sticking point is integration of the F-35 with a wargaming simulation system. This has gone ...
The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff doesn't see a need for a new roles and missions debate, preferring to let the services pursue their own new capabilities—such as long-range fires—and sort them out afterwards. Gen. John E. Hyten, in an interview set ...