The Air Force’s lone spectrum warfare wing is getting faster—much faster—in gathering data and responding to new threats, its leader said last week. The world of electronic warfare is often compared to a game of cat-and-mouse, with both sides constantly shifting tactics, frequencies, and software to both ...
It has been almost exactly one year since the Air Force activated the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing, the first of its kind, as part of its effort to build back electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum capabilities after years of letting them atrophy. And in some ...
The Air Force is looking to revamp the way it trains Airmen for information warfare with the establishment of a new wing-level organization. The Information Warfare Training and Research Initiative Detachment, known as Det. 1, stood up by Air Combat Command in a March 22 ...
Col. William E. Young Jr., commander of the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing, moderates a discussion with Paul Turner, the principal product development engineer with AT&T Public Sector; Lisa Aucoin, the vice president of F-35 solutions for BAE Systems; and Andy Lowery, chief product officer for ...
Long neglect of electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum operations won’t be reversed quickly, especially without funding priority—and creative approaches are needed to get back in the game, experts said. However, there is top-down urgency to find solutions. Fixing EMS operations will require boosting the number ...
The U.S. won’t keep pace with China and Russia in electronic warfare if it keeps “drip feeding” organizations, according to a new paper published by the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.
The House of Representatives' version of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act would call on the Air Force and Navy to provide a report next spring on how they’re going to accelerate the use of adaptive and cognitive electronic warfare capabilities. The House Armed Services ...
Air Combat Command on June 25 activated the first-of-its-kind 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing, which will provide electronic warfare maintenance and expertise for Combat Air Forces. The wing, which is temporarily based at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., while the Air Force does an environmental study ...
The Pentagon needs an overseer at the highest level for the joint electromagnetic warfare fight to coordinate responses to China and Russia, experts said at a Hudson Institute webinar. The services' fragmented approach can be overcome by the enterprise approach taken by U.S. adversaries, they ...
As software-based radios and sensors become the norm, the Air Force's new electromagnetic spectrum warfare wing will be able to quickly adapt software to answer EMS challenges, the unit's incoming commander said in an AFA Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies live-streaming event. The goal will ...