If the Pentagon wants the U.S. defense industrial base to be able to surge production of munitions and more, those details should be included in requirements and contracts and paid for, industry leaders told lawmakers this week.
Congress and small business advocates are working on a series of fixes for a new Department of Defense cybersecurity certification program they fear will otherwise be a major disincentive for smaller, nontraditional defense suppliers to bid on Air Force and other defense contracts.
Next year, the long delayed Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program, or CMMC, will introduce cybersecurity compliance requirements into DOD contracts. Some are worried this added burden might discourage small and innovative companies from competing to sell to the Air and Space Forces. Others are proposing ...
The defense industrial base—the hundreds of companies that supply the Pentagon with everything from new fighter jets and satellites to magnets and ball bearings—is being actively targeted in cyberspace by China and other adversaries, the head of U.S. Cyber Command warned June 25.
It'll take a while for the defense materiel enterprise to bounce back from decades of ponderous acquisition, but the new National Defense Industrial Base builds on steps already in motion, the Biden Administration says.
The first-ever National Defense Industrial Strategy sets out the challenges facing supply of the U.S. and allied militaries and prescribes broad remedies, though it doesn’t get into specific programs. An implementation plan to translate the policies into action is expected within a month, Pentagon officials ...
Despite sending more than $43 billion in military aid to Ukraine—both lethal and non-lethal—the U.S. is not “running out” of any particular munitions or equipment needed for its own forces, Pentagon acquisition and sustainment chief William LaPlante told attendees at a defense conference in Washington, ...
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee on July 11, a key step in the confirmation process to make him the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A few common themes and key ...
After a long period in which munitions were almost an afterthought and sacrificed to pay for other priorities, the Air Force needs to focus on them in order to have the right “package” of capabilities for future conflicts, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown ...
Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, thinks there will be continuing bipartisan support for increased munitions procurement and boosting the defense industrial base generally. But that partnership could be challenged by a push to "punish" non-defense spending, he warned.
In need of faster and greater surge weapons production capacity, the Air Force is looking to new technologies for new munitions, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. said. More weapons capacity may mean less efficiency, he acknowledged.
There’s a growing “mismatch” between what the National Defense Strategy says is needed for the coming years and the state of the defense industrial base, which is shrinking, less able to surge production, dealing with ever-greater uncertainty, and facing a worsening shortage of workers, according ...