The Space Force’s second annual Hack-A-Sat contest in December will reflect its commander’s determination to be the first truly digital military service, organizers told Air Force Magazine in an interview at the recent DEF CON hacker convention. Hack-A-Sat was one of the principal attractions at ...
Driving the success of every mission is one key factor: knowledge. More complete, timely information leads to better, faster decision making, and sharing vital data is crucial to the success of joint and multi-domain operations. But as cyber is now one of the most used ...
The Air Force Association held the CyberPatriot XIII National Finals virtually on March 19-21 for the second year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, presented by the Northrop Grumman Foundation, puts teams of high school and middle school students ...
The Air Force’s intelligence and cyber operations branch will soon roll out a diversity and inclusion strategy to strengthen that workforce and the quality of their analyses. “Diversity, equity, inclusion are critical to our success going forward. It's a national security imperative; it's in the ...
The latest cohort of start-ups nurtured by the AFRL’s Space Force Accelerator Program demonstrated their technology recently at the Catalyst Accelerator in Colorado Springs. The eight companies showcased products ranging from bleeding edge innovations using ultra-wideband lasers to store data as photons in motion to ...
The Senate on Oct. 26 confirmed Maj. Gen. Robert J. Skinner as the next head of the Defense Information Systems Agency, as well as for promotion to lieutenant general. Skinner, who currently oversees command, control, communications, and cyber operations for U.S. Indo-Pacific Command in Hawaii, was ...
A new 867th Cyberspace Operations Group stood up at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, on Sept. 18 to streamline the Air Force’s cyber offense and defense, as well as its intelligence collection in the digital realm. “We now have the ability to focus on two ...
Air Force acquisition boss Will Roper on Sept. 10 made the case for closer collaboration between military services on artificial intelligence, saying the Pentagon must get the groundwork right in order to successfully expand so-called “smart” information technology across the department. “To really make AI ...