Air Force Materiel Command is beginning to think about how depots and sustainment will evolve now that USAF is embracing the "eSeries" approach to digitally creating future platforms. AFMC commander Gen. Arnold W. Bunch Jr. said he's also working to build the IT infrastructure needed ...
The new AIr and Space Expeditionary Force will see airmen doing multiple specialties, deploying in groups instead of as individuals, and going less frequently to built-up bases and more often to austere locations, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said in a September ...
Department of the Air Force leaders are preparing for a continuing resolution that could curb spending for several months, Air Force Secretary Barbara M. Barrett said Sept. 15. House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said he will bring CR legislation to the chamber floor ...
Recognizing the “trials and tribulations” of African American military leaders who preceded him, Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. officially assumed the job of Air Force Chief of Staff from Gen. David L. Goldfein on Aug. 6. The two were lauded by Defense Secretary Mark T. ...
Gen. David L. Goldfein ends his tenure as USAF's 21st Chief of Staff today, handing uniformed leadership of the service to Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. In "The Goldfein Years," appearing in our July/August issue, Editorial Director John A. Tirpak talks to the outgoing chief ...