“Military Makeover with Montel,” a television series that airs on both the Lifetime channel and the American Forces Network, has partnered with World Wrestling Entertainment to search for a deserving service member or veteran to receive a home-renovation and appear on the show in 2021. ...
The Veterans Affairs Department has treated COVID-19-positive veterans with the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine, but its use was in line with Food and Drug Administration regulations and wasn't experimental, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie said in an April 29 letter to Veterans Service Organizations. “Recently, a records ...
The Defense Department’s coronavirus response is giving the fledgling Space Force a chance to show its skills and shaping how Airmen manage military satellite communications along the way. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said March 17 the Pentagon had given the Navy orders to start preparing ...
The services will likely fall short of their end-strength goals this year because of the impacts of the new coronavirus outbreak, though positive trends in recruitment have remained, the Pentagon’s head of personnel said April 28. Matt Donovan, under secretary of defense for personnel and ...
The American Red Cross is offering virtual resilience workshops to help military service members, veterans, and their families better deal with the new coronavirus crisis. In the past, the nonprofit has taught in-person, small-group-style resiliency classes that tackled issues such as communication problems, depression, and ...
Air Force Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg took time out from leading the Air Force’s medical response to the COVID-19 pandemic to speak with Air Force Magazine about supply shortages, hotspots, and future changes that could be wrought by lessons from this experience.
Drone pilots and their sensor operator partners are used to life in enclosed spaces. They sit side-by-side in ground control stations, or cockpits, that measure less than 200 square feet, but those close quarters make social distancing in the age of coronavirus a challenge. Still, ...
Defense experts on April 27 warned the Pentagon not to seek money for its program wish lists as part of future spending legislation meant to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. The Department of the Air Force’s fiscal 2021 unfunded priorities list spans $3.2 billion for ...
The new coronavirus crisis and America's subsequent ventilator shortage have forced hard conversations about how to prioritize these life-sustaining pieces in civilian medical centers across the country. Even though states, hospitals, and medical professionals are establishing rules for deciding who most deserves a ventilator if ...
The Air Force’s Thunderbirds will kick off a nationwide tour honoring first responders and essential workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic on April 28 in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, flying alongside the Navy’s Blue Angels. The “America Strong” tour will start around noon in ...
About 150 more Air Force Reserve medical specialists volunteered and have reported for service to fight the COVID-19 outbreak in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. The majority of the new volunteers reported in less than two days to help fight the new coronavirus outbreak ...
President Donald Trump will nominate Shon Manasco, the current acting under secretary of the Air Force, to take the role permanently, the White House announced April 24. Manasco, who has been serving in the acting role since December, is the assistant secretary of the Air ...