Remote commissioning ceremonies, physical fitness training, and leadership labs have become part of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps’ new—or, at least temporary—normal amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The format of college life may be changing in response to the pandemic, but the expectation for ...
The 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron transports patients from all over the Indo-Pacific theater, serving as an airborne hospital for newborn babies, burn victims, critical care patients, and others who need transportation. And though the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way the entire world lives, it ...
The Air Force announced May 22 that all physical fitness tests are suspended until Oct. 1, an update from the original goal to resume testing by June 1. Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly, deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel, and services, announced the changes in ...
The Air Force Association and the Association of the United States Army are urging President Donald Trump to extend Title 32 deployment orders for Guardsmen activated in the fight against the new coronavirus. “As a number of state governors are now advising, the ongoing COVID-19 ...
Gold Star families visiting their fallen loved ones at Arlington National Cemetery and local veterans cemeteries across the country this Memorial Day will receive flowers as part of a nationwide charitable effort. The Memorial Day Flowers Foundation is giving away 6,000 flowers at Arlington, along ...
While the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing the nation and military to learn how to operate in a strange new world, it hasn’t diminished the force’s readiness, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. John Hyten said on May 21. According to ...
Military medical facilities across the globe can resume elective procedures as long as their communities meet criteria outlined in new guidance released May 20. The Pentagon in March directed a restriction on elective procedures as the COVID-19 outbreak spread and threatened to overwhelm the military ...
Military commanders may begin lowering health protection conditions and returning to more regular operations if their location meets certain criteria, like a two-week downturn in the number of coronavirus cases, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in May 20 guidance to the armed forces. Most U.S. ...
Parts delays and the need to keep workers appropriately separate will translate to an 18-24 airplane shortfall in Lockheed Martin's planned 2020 F-35 production, the company said May 19. The figure is a worst-case estimate and could be mitigated by an earlier acceleration of parts ...
U.S. Forces Korea is lowering its health protection condition effective May 20 for forces across the country, except for the greater Seoul area, as South Korea makes progress with its efforts to control the coronavirus outbreak. The command, in a May 18 release, said that ...
Nearly 60 Airmen from 37th Training Wing Detachment 5 graduated from Basic Military Training at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., on May 15, according to an 81st Training Wing release. The graduation marked the end of a six-week proof of concept that looked to show ...
A C-130J from the 86th Airlift Wing at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, delivered more than 30,000 pounds of COVID-19 relief supplies to Italy as part of a new NATO initiative to quickly transmit equipment. The C-130J carried KN-95 masks, surgical gowns, and COVID-19 test kits ...