The Pentagon will start reopening on June 15, after months of restricting access due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Defense Department announced June 11 that slightly more workers will be allowed into the building, and the building will open more of its entrances. DOD plans ...
Senators confirmed Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. as the first black military service chief in American history in a 98-0 vote June 9. Brown, the decorated four-star general in charge of Pacific Air Forces, is expected to begin his four-year term as the ...
The Defense Department is rescinding its travel restrictions for troops in nearly four dozen places, though several appear to fall short of the Pentagon’s requirements for freer movement. The directive allows some military personnel to head to new jobs and temporary assignments, as well as ...
The United States’ reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic is feeding partners’ and allies’ fears that the U.S. “is no longer willing to play a leadership role” amid international crises and opening the door for enemies and competitors, alike, to challenge its dedication, former Under Secretary ...
F-35s and Airmen from Hill Air Force Base, Utah, deployed to the Middle East recently for the third time in 12 months. The aircraft and Airmen from the 421st Fighter Squadron touched down at Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates, on May 30, according ...
President Donald Trump on May 28 announced he will extend the Title 32 orders of National Guard personnel activated to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic through the middle of August, ensuring thousands of Guardsmen will get access to certain federal benefits. As of the morning ...
The Pentagon is rolling back some of its stringent restrictions on travel, allowing for more permanent change of station moves and deployments, saying the military’s largely been spared in the COVID-19 outbreak by the effectiveness of such measures. During a May 28 town hall, Chairman ...
The Air Force can't afford to keep the force it has and modernize it, so it must choose new technology over force structure, Brig. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote, acting director of the Air Force Warfighting Integration Capability, said May 27. Modernization was put off too ...
The sky above the North Sea in Europe filled with dozens of USAF aircraft on May 27 as fighters from multiple bases joined together in red vs. blue teams to prove that U.S. Air Forces in Europe crews are ready for a high-end fight, even ...
A coalition of military and veterans associations is urging lawmakers to reverse Pentagon plans to close or downsize military medical facilities as the COVID-19 outbreak spreads. In February, the Pentagon said it planned to close or downsize 50 medical clinics, including 12 on Air Force ...
The Pentagon announced May 26 it will start rolling back restrictions on movement, even though a third U.S. service member and two people affiliated with the Air Force recently died from COVID-19. A Wisconsin Army Reservist died of the disease caused by the new coronavirus ...
One of Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein’s pet projects has evolved into a joint task force tackling the coronavirus pandemic. In his first address as Chief at the Air Force Association’s September 2016 conference, Goldfein listed the goal of building joint leaders ...