The Space Rapid Capabilities Office quietly launched prototype payloads on a satellite two years ago to help operators know when the spacecraft is being tracked by China’s space surveillance network—a capability the office is now exploring for the rest of the Space Force.
Brig. Gen. Anthony J. Mastalir, commander of Space Forces Indo-Pacific, said the growing complexity of China's military exercises, combined with its use of space weapons, makes it difficult to distinguish exercises from actual operations.
A Japanese navigation satellite launched from one of Japan's southernmost islands earlier this week, carrying into space a U.S. Space Force space domain awareness payload.
Chinese satellites in geosynchronous orbit are maneuvering at high rates, practicing orbital warfare techniques, studying other spacecraft, and testing new ways to evade threats—and Space Force and industry leaders warn the U.S. must learn to maneuver in response.
The People’s Republic of China recently launched its 1,000th satellite into orbit, the Space Force’s chief intelligence officer said Sept. 16, as he highlighted both the growing demand and ability the service has for tracking objects in space.
A Chinese rocket carrying the first satellites of a communications constellation meant to rival Starlink broke up in low-Earth orbit, U.S. Space Command confirmed—creating hundreds of pieces of debris and continuing a series of worrying incidents, experts said.
Russia’s lack of conventional military superiority when compared to the U.S. and the rest of NATO is driving its development of “asymmetric” capabilities like the nuclear anti-satellite weapon that generated headlines earlier this year, multiple Pentagon officials said this week.
Nestled within the 720 pages of the Senate Armed Services Committee Report on the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 are a few short paragraphs directing a briefing “on a strategy for DOD’s activities and interests in cislunar space.” There are grave national ...
NATO leaders gathered in Washington, D.C. for the alliance's 75th anniversary summit said they were alarmed at China's ambitions and aggression in nuclear, space, and cyberspace on top of its deepening ties with Russia.
A little less than three years after then-U.S. Strategic Command boss Adm. Charles Richard warned of China’s nuclear forces experiencing a “strategic breakout,” the Space Force’s top intelligence officer says the People's Liberation Army have done the same in space. “The PLA has rapidly advanced in space ...
In the wake of a major Chinese military shakeup, the head of U.S. Space Command warned of China’s “breathtakingly fast” advances in space during visits to Japan and South Korea. Gen. Stephen N. Whiting’s trip to the Indo-Pacific is his first overseas visit since taking ...
After multiple scrubbed launches, the Space Force’s X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle returned to orbit Dec. 28, riding a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Kennedy Space Center, Fla. The launch of the secretive reusable space plane came two weeks after China launched its own mysterious spacecraft, “Shenlong,” ...