The Air Force has a “war room” of space experts that have been preparing for the go ahead from lawmakers, which could come as early as Dec. 11, to create the new Space Force.
The military is reviewing its security precautions and vetting of foreign nationals training at US bases following the Dec. 6 shooting at NAS Pensacola, Fla., but military officials are cautioning about cutting back on this training in the future. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. ...
Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett and Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein visited 455th Air Expeditionary Wing airmen at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, this week as part of their first joint journey to Air Forces Central Command, according to a Nov. 19 USAF release. Prior to ...
Nineteenth Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Craig Wills is doubling down on publicizing pilot height waivers to encourage a more diverse population of USAF aviators, he told Air Force Magazine in a Nov. 14 interview. “The reason for now is that we want to get ...
The Air Force aims to split $30 billion in savings from accelerating the retirement of legacy assets in four “bins,” according to Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein, who offered the most detailed picture yet of investment initiatives coming in the 2021 budget request. Savings ...