The Air Force is pursuing Collaborative Combat Aircraft—uncrewed aircraft that will fly as “wingmen” to crewed fighters—but must ensure they don’t get so overloaded with capability that they become unaffordable, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said. The upcoming fiscal 2024 budget will ...
The 250 airplanes the Air Force wants to retire in the fiscal 2023 budget are those the service probably wouldn't take to a modern peer fight anyway, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. told reporters. He defended the 2023 budget request as striking ...
Certain Active-duty pilots who renew their contracts can earn up to $420,000 through the service’s 2022 Aviation Bonus program. “Airpower will always be in high demand, and our operational readiness hinges on retaining a force of skilled and experienced aviators,” said Chief of Staff Gen. Charles ...
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. released modifications to his four central Action Orders on Feb. 18, looking to align them with Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall’s top operational priorities and to make progress in combating bureaucracy.
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. added two new books, a podcast, and a documentary to his leadership library aimed at encouraging Airmen to expand their thinking, avoid “hindsight bias,” learn about their heritage, and find ways to remove potential barriers ...
The Air Force’s pilot production numbers stayed relatively steady from fiscal 2019 to 2020 despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said, an encouraging sign that the service’s efforts to speed up that pipeline are working. That progress could be ...
Six of the the Department of the Air Force’s top leaders appeared together virtually Sept. 16, discussing the results of a recent racial and gender disparities survey released by the Air Force Inspector General. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall was joined in the town hall ...
Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on Aug. 22 activated the Civil Reserve Air Fleet to assist with the ongoing airlift out of Afghanistan. Tens of thousands have fled the country. The Stage 1 CRAF activation includes 18 aircraft—three each from American Airlines, Atlas Air, ...
Hoping to speed up and streamline innovation, the Air Force announced the launch of “Project Holodeck,” a platform aimed at allowing Airmen to better submit, track, test, and ultimately implement new ideas for the service.
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. is fashioning a fighting force to match what he describes as the “changing character of war,” one where all domains are contested and capabilities matter more than numbers. As the United States moves away from the Middle ...
Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. hasn’t exactly made his fandom for Marvel comic books and movies a secret, and on June 10, he got to take part in a conversation with actor Anthony Mackie, star of “The Falcon ...
The Air Force wants to scale back buys of the F-35 over the next five years, hoping to get sustainment costs down and to wait for the more capable Block 4 version, according to talking points prepared for Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown ...