New legislation further establishes the Space Force as the sixth branch of the military, but wants a closer look at who will do that work and where. The Senate Armed Services Committee’s version of the fiscal 2021 defense policy bill, approved June 10, would temporarily ...
The U.S. military can, and must, do more to address lingering racial inequalities, especially now as the country at large grapples with protests over racial injustice, said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, in a videotaped address. The death of George ...
Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., the Air Force's presumptive next Chief of Staff, talked about what's on his mind as Congress considers his historic nomination to be the first black leader of any military service while racial tensions flare across the country following the Memorial ...
Defense Secretary Mark Esper on June 3 abruptly reversed a plan made earlier in the day to send home a portion of the Active-duty troops called to Washington to quell civil unrest in the National Capital Region, following a meeting at the White House. The ...
Military troops on June 2 continued to respond to nationwide protests over George Floyd’s death, as some lawmakers raised concerns about the prospect of sending in Active-duty service members. The death of Floyd, a black man who died in police custody May 25 after asphyxiation ...
The military has finished testing its top-tier forces and is planning to test a selection of asymptomatic personnel across the force to understand how the virus has spread through the ranks. The Pentagon announced a four-tier testing plan, starting with key strategic and homeland defense ...
The likely continuation of the military’s stop movement order, and the related extension of deployments and pause in change of station moves, will require continued sacrifice but is necessary to protect the force from the new coronavirus outbreak, top military officials said. “We don’t want ...
The crisis caused by the new coronavirus outbreak could take months and weaken military readiness, though that drop is expected to be small, the top military leaders told service members in an online town hall March 24. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. ...
The total number of U.S. forces suffering traumatic brain injuries following the Jan. 7 ballistic missile attack on al-Asad Air Base in Iraq continues to rise, with 64 troops now having been diagnosed with TBIs, the Pentagon announced Jan. 30. Senior officials initially said no ...
The Pentagon now says 50 service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries following the Jan. 7 ballistic missile attack on al-Asad AB, Iraq. Of those, 31 were treated in Iraq and have returned to duty; 18 were transported to Germany for treatment, and ...
The Pentagon’s review of its force structure in Africa, and the likely reduction of deployed personnel, is already meeting harsh pushback on Capitol Hill, even before the review is completed. Defense Secretary Mark Esper has ordered a “zero-based” review of US forces deployed globally, with ...
The House this week will vote on a war powers resolution aimed at limiting military conflict with Iran following the Jan. 3 airstrike that killed Quds Force commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani in Iraq, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Jan. 5. If passed, the resolution would ...