A new report by the Center for Strategic & International Studies writes that unique phenomena occurring at hypersonic speeds could make hypersonic weapons easier to detect and track on hyperspectral or radiofrequency sensors.
Hoping to prod a debate on the Space Force's future, Chief of Space Operations Gen. B. Chance Saltzman unveiled his "Theory of Success" concept Feb. 22, as the force carves out its military role.
American and Western officials have grown increasingly concerned about Arctic security and Russia’s threat to the region, and even as Russia’s military has been degraded by its losses in Ukraine, its Arctic forces remain strong, according to a new report from the Center for Strategic ...
The U.S. could take thousands of casualties but in most cases would ultimately prevail: These were the conclusions drawn from a series of 24 wargames run by the Center for Strategic and International Studies that assessed a scenario in which China attempted an amphibious invasion ...
Even relatively unsophisticated drones are playing a critical role in modern air warfare, underscoring the importance of air defense systems that can cope with them, experts said in a Stimson Center streaming seminar, “Ukraine and the Future of Air Warfare.” Another theme: Distributed operations are ...
The Space Force does not fully understand its cyber threats, and cybersecurity is an overlooked vulnerability of space operations, said Lt. Gen. Stephen N. Whiting, head of Space Operations Command. "We don't yet have the intuitive understanding to say, based on the threat that we're ...
U.S. Northern Command’s homeland cruise missile detection and defenses must be upgraded to respond to new threats, experts say, and a major D.C. think tank proposes a multi-layered defense that would require fewer Air Force fighters in the air and use new E-7 Wedgetails, the ...
The recent barrage of ballistic missile tests by North Korea elicited a strong “trilateral” response from the United States and Pacific allies Japan and South Korea, Pacific Air Forces commander Gen. Kenneth S. Wilsbach told Air Force Magazine. The show of force was necessary to ...
Lawmakers studying the lessons learned from the Ukraine war believe that speeding delivery of F-16s and Stingers among other kit to Taiwan, and forming a clear defensive coalition in the Pacific, could deter China from a mid-decade invasion. “I hope we've learned our lesson from ...
Researchers at the Air Force Research Laboratory’s two new space-oriented research labs will address two of the Space Force’s top priorities: improving space domain awareness and building a hybrid space architecture less vulnerable to attack.
The Biden Administration's inflation estimates will be the big story related to the fiscal 2023 defense budget submission, experts said in a streamed Center for Strategic and International Studies “budget preview” Feb. 7. The inflation estimates will either be greeted as realistic—and damning for the ...
The role of U.S. Transportation Command is likely to evolve under the upcoming National Defense Strategy, as the Defense Department shifts its focus to China and Russia. “One thing that has become really clear is that TRANSCOM has been the force that ‘deploys the force, ...