The Air Force’s new combat rescue helicopter will be named Jolly Green II. The new helicopter, slated to replace the HH-60G Pave Hawk, will carry on the name of the venerable Vietnam-era HH-3E, which flew combat rescue missions from 1967 to 1995. Air Force Secretary ...
A General Atomics official said the company is surprised by the Air Force’s plan to stop buying new MQ-9 Reapers in fiscal 2020, after expecting to gradually wind down the production line. Chris Pehrson, General Atomics' vice president of strategic development, told Air Force Magazine ...
The Department of the Air Force has submitted a $4.2 billion unfunded priorities list to Congress for fiscal 2021, which includes roughly $3.2 billion for the U.S. Air Force and $1 billion for the fledgling U.S. Space Force. The USAF request, which is significantly more ...
The next Airborne Battle Management System experiment, to take place April 8, will be "massive" and include space superiority activities and the shoot-down of both an unmanned aircraft and a cruise missile, Air Force acquisition chief Will Roper told reporters February 21. He also discussed ...
DARPA wants to bring a gun to a missile fight. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing “Gunslinger,” a new air-launched missile equipped with a gun, for Air Force and Navy missions ranging from counterterrorism to dogfights with other aircraft, according to the fiscal ...
The Air Force says it has all the money it needs to rebuild bases struck by natural disasters in the past two years, after lobbying Congress for billions of dollars to backfill its coffers depleted by recovery efforts. Congress allocated $5.3 billion for disaster relief ...
An independent review team investigating the first in-space test of Boeing’s Starliner astronaut capsule should have its review wrapped up by the end of February. Boeing and NASA are conducting the review jointly. They already plan to recheck all 1 million lines of Starliner’s software ...
The Air Force’s decision to cut a major upgrade to the B-2 bomber’s defenses shows the military is accepting near-term risk to free up funding for future capabilities, the head of U.S. Strategic Command told lawmakers Feb. 13. The Air Force’s budget proposal winds down ...
The Pentagon is asking Congress to move $3.8 billion, including nearly $1.5 billion in Air Force funding, from weapons programs to the border wall project. The Feb. 13 reprogramming request would shift $2.2 billion from already appropriated base budget funds for fiscal 2020 plus another ...
The Air Force wants to retire 28 KC-10s and KC-135s, even though the KC-46 tanker is years away from operational capability. This KC-46 fleet has been plagued by problems, especially with its Remote Vision System, which links the boom operator to the refueling system. Air ...