Increasing reliance on artificial intelligence to augment human decision making raises the risk of attacks targeting critical data and AI algorithms, warned the Air Force’s cyber policy chief at AFA’s Air, Space, & Cyber Conference. “If our adversary is able to inject uncertainty into any ...
Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall alluded to an event in which artificial intelligence helped to identify a target or targets in "a live operational kill chain” in his remarks at the Air Force Association’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Md., ...
The Air Force's technology innovation hub has asked technology companies, industry partners, academia, and others to "revolutionize" flight line operations. The effort—a “sequel” to AFWERX's 2020 base of the future initiative—is aimed at addressing challenges such as airfield maintenance and repair; aircraft maintenance operations; and ...
The Pentagon on July 6 canceled the massive and controversial $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure cloud contract after years of challenges to its award to Microsoft. The Defense Department said the move comes because the contract, which has been long delayed due to those ...
DOD will release two reports this summer aimed at improving its science and technology enterprise. The master plan for research, development, test, and evaluation infrastructure is due to Congress by June 30, while another report assessing the diversity of the department’s research and engineering workforce ...
Recent Department of the Air Force Small Business Innovation Research contracts include technology research and development projects ranging from artificial intelligence to edge computing to augmented reality. "We have bolstered our relationship with nontraditional industry since partnering AFWERX with our Small Business Innovation Research Center ...
In the Pentagon’s vision, Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) will connect sensor data, powerful computer processing, and artificial intelligence algorithms through a lightning-fast, resilient network. That capability will give U.S. forces an edge so decisive it could deter aggressors from even contemplating future conflicts. ...
The Skyborg software and hardware suite allowing unmanned aircraft to team with crewed ones flew for the first time April 29, the Air Force said, launching a series of experiments meant to prove the safety and effectiveness of the approach.