When archeologists found a crate of TNT in Eastern Alaska recently, an Air Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team at Eielson Air Force Base got a chance to practice their skills. And have a blast doing so. The archaeologists discovered the TNT on Sept. 28, ...
U.S. and Canadian forces recently conducted joint exercises on and around some of the most remote, austere islands in Alaska. "Operation Noble Defender" took place near Shemya, Attu, and St. Lawrence islands—scattered in the Bering Sea and less than 500 miles from Russia—and featured air, ...
All three Air Force bomber types—the B-1 Lancer, the B-2 Spirit, and the B-52 Stratofortress—gathered in Alaska from July 18-19 to practice operating from an unfamiliar airfield, a rare assembly of the trio of different aircraft and a demonstration of flexible deployment for America’s heavy-hitters.
In the Arctic the weather is the adversary, and training is key to survival. Arctic Edge, Alaska's largest joint force exercise this year, includes 1,000 U.S. and Canadian forces training throughout the state. It is one of several Arctic training exercises occurring simultaneously this month.