Airmen and Guardians can now wear cold-weather headbands, purses and handbags with small logos, and other items according to new regulation changes. But one area of appearance regulations that went unchanged was facial hair policy, as Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne S. ...
A new year is poised to bring some key changes for Air Force and Space Force personnel, as the services look to continue to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, transition to a new force generation model, roll out changes to their physical fitness programs, promote diversity, ...
Supply chain shortages are causing issues with the Air Force’s service dress uniforms, leading the department to announce Dec. 21 that it has started temporarily issuing fewer uniform items to certain graduates of basic military training.
For years, Air Force rules prohibited Airmen from putting their hands in their pockets, using their phones, or taking a drink while walking, but no more. A raft of new dress and appearance rules officially went into effect Dec. 3, loosening restrictions on what Airmen ...
Dozens of changes are coming to the Air Force’s dress and appearance standards as the service prepares to implement initiatives recommended by the 2020 Air Force Uniform Board. The changes will become official when Air Force Instruction 36-2903 is republished in early October 2021, but ...
A new uniform set is coming to the Air Force, giving Airmen in aircraft maintenance, industrial, and other labor intensive units the option to wear coveralls, provided their unit commander authorizes it.
Maintainers will soon be allowed to wear shorts, under new rules based on feedback from Airmen and Guardians. The Department of the Air Force on March 15 will publish a “change to Air Force Instruction 36-2903”—which governs dress and appearance for USAF and Space Force ...
The Air Force Uniform Office has finished redesigning the service’s physical training uniform, and Airmen will be able to buy it beginning next year, the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center announced March 2. More than 150 service members helped test the new outfit, which ...
Troops can now wear their physical fitness clothing inside base commissaries and exchanges, according to a memorandum from Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper released this week.
A team of five female Airmen last week evaluated a flight suit designed to be more comfortable and functional for women pilots battling gravitational forces in the cockpit. High-speed pilots wear G-suits to avoid health issues when they rapidly accelerate in flight, but since 2001, ...
The Air Force Women’s Initiative Team has launched a survey to get female Airmen’s feedback on whether and how USAF should change its rules for how women can wear their hair while in uniform. The Women’s Initiative Team will use the data “to educate Air ...
Air Force security forces now have a new, lighter, and more comfortable helmet. The Air Force Security Forces Center is sending out new ballistic helmets to replace the Advanced Combat Helmet, which Airmen complained were bulky and uncomfortable. The lower-profile helmet comes with better padding ...