Beyond the Air Force's $188.1 billion budget request for fiscal year 2025, its unfunded priorities list of things it would like to have if Congress is willing to give more includes money for spare parts, exercises, readiness, and military construction.
Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III wishes “wish lists” would just go away. Asked by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) whether he would favor repealing the law requiring service leaders to provide Congress with a list of unfunded priorities at a Senate Armed Services Committee hear, ...
The House of Representatives passed its version of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act on July 14. The annual policy bill includes a $37 billion increase to the top line of the Pentagon’s budget and a number of provisions that will affect the Air Force ...
One of the Air Force’s top unfunded priorities and a renewed push for a Space National Guard were both approved by the House Armed Services Committee as part of the panel’s marathon markup of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act. The committee also voted to ...
After years of blocking the Air Force from retiring A-10 attack aircraft, the Senate Armed Services Committee will allow the service to proceed, but not with a new initiative to retire older F-22 Raptor air superiority jets. It also agreed to add seven more jets ...
The Air Force slashed the F-35 buy in its 2023 budget request to just 33 jets—15 fewer than it bought in 2022 and 27 fewer than 2021, saying it preferred to spend that money on other needed modernization programs and wait until the Block 4 ...