The Air Force's future close air support portfolio will include seven squadrons of A-10s into the 2040s, along with light attack aircraft in partnership with some countries, but these efforts will be distinct from Special Operations Command's pursuit of an Armed Overwatch aircraft, USAF top ...
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein expects the service’s stop-movement order will be extended past May 11 as the coronavirus pandemic continues. Pentagon Undersecretary of Personnel and Readiness Matt Donovan, a former acting Air Force Secretary, is considering whether to direct a decision ...
The Defense Department has issued new guidance for commanders who are trying to maintain mission readiness while helping their personnel navigate through the uncertainties of the new coronavirus pandemic. “Commanders have broad authority to exercise sound judgment in all cases, and this guidance describes available ...
Details of how the Air Force Reserve will support the U.S. Space Force “haven’t been fully fleshed out,” but for now, any backup it provides will remain under the purview of Air Force Reserve Command, Reserve Chief Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee told Air Force Magazine ...
While NAS JRB Fort Worth-Carswell, Texas, is slated to become the primary home of Air Force Reserve Command’s future F-35As, AFRC is now reexamining three bases it has deemed “reasonable alternatives”—Whiteman Air Force Base, Mont., Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., and Homestead Air Reserve Base—to ...
The pressure on the aerial refueling community affects more than the iron on Air Force ramps. Total Force aircrews are part of the most stressed force element in U.S. Transportation Command, Army Gen. Stephen Lyons told the Senate Armed Services Community on Feb. 25. Lyons ...
The Defense Department's $740.5 billion budget request for fiscal 2021 increases spending on nuclear modernization, space, cyberspace, and multi-domain operations in preparation for great power competition, while proposing to cut dozens of legacy aircraft and reducing overseas contingency operations funding for the wars in the ...
The Pentagon is opening four additional bases, including two Air Force installations, to the Department of Health and Human Services for the possible quarantine of personnel as the coronavirus outbreak continues. On Feb. 1, the Pentagon agreed to provide housing at Travis Air Force Base, ...