The Defense Department's COVID-19-related travel restrictions have prompted the Air Force to postpone a series of promotion boards, the Air Force Personnel Center announced April 3. “These prudent adjustments will help protect the health and safety of our force while maintaining career development opportunities for ...
The Air Force has paused Weighted Airman Promotion System testing through May 11 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an Air Force Personnel Center release. The decision to close a testing center is up to commanders. If a center is still open, Airmen may ...
In an interview with Air Force Magazine at AFA's Air Warfare Symposium, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright outlined his top four priorities for the last six months of his tenure as the service’s top enlisted leader. They are: Fixing the Enlisted ...
A career special operations pilot will become the second-highest officer at the Space Force's Space Operations Command, according to a slew of promotions and job changes announced Jan. 30. Col. Michael Conley, selected for promotion to brigadier general, comes to the Space Force after having ...