The Air Force selected one out of every five eligible senior master sergeants for promotion to chief master sergeant, the service announced—a rate largely in line with years past, yet one that defies the larger trend of promotion rates among enlisted noncommissioned officers this year. All ...
The Air Force’s recent trend of low promotion rates for enlisted noncommissioned officers continued Aug. 17, as the service announced it had tapped just 9,706 senior airmen out of 45,991 eligible to become staff sergeants—a 21.1 percent promotion rate. That mark is the lowest in ...
A few days after warning that promotion rates for enlisted noncommissioned officers were likely to drop over the next several years, the Air Force Personnel Center announced the statistics from the 22E6 promotion cycle July 12—with the fewest number of Airmen getting promoted to technical ...
The Air Force is expecting lower promotion rates for some enlisted noncommissioned officers—and that drop could last several years, the service announced July 7. In particular, grades E-5 through E-7 will be affected, according to a service press release, due to recent enlisted grade structure ...
The Department of the Air Force announced the retirements of several key leaders within the Air Force and Space Force on May 23, while also unveiling more than a dozen new assignments for current or future one-star generals.
Airmen looking to become NCOs will face a new-look test in 2022, the Air Force announced Dec. 16, as the service emphasizes good judgment in its promotion system. In previous years, the Promotion Fitness Examination included 100 knowledge-based questions. Now, potential E-5s and E-6s will ...
The Department of the Air Force recently released its selection board schedule for 2022, establishing separate schedules for the Air Force and Space Force and moving up certain boards to earlier in the year. The Air Force Personnel Center also announced the formation of a ...