A top Space Force official says the service is figuring out whether its inaugural round of personnel transfers brought in the right mix of career fields and ranks to form the armed force’s foundation. “My guess is there are some of those boxes in those ...
Senators endorsed the creation of a reserve component for the Space Force in new legislation but want more evidence that a Space National Guard is necessary as well. The Senate Armed Services Committee this week approved its version of the fiscal 2021 defense policy bill ...
The Next-Generation Air Dominance program's acquisition strategy will be finished this summer, service acquisition chief Will Roper reported June 9 at a Mitchell Institute Aerospace Nation streaming event. He's assigned a team to assess whether the "Digital Century Series" model for the aircraft will cost ...
U.S. unmanned aerial vehicles are the best in the world, but allied nations are barred from acquiring those systems under a 1987 voluntary non-proliferation agreement that classifies them as equivalent to nuclear weapons. Now a new report from the Mitchell Institute of Aerospace Studies argues ...
The Air Force can't afford to keep the force it has and modernize it, so it must choose new technology over force structure, Brig. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote, acting director of the Air Force Warfighting Integration Capability, said May 27. Modernization was put off too ...
The Air Force Association and the Association of the United States Army are urging President Donald Trump to extend Title 32 deployment orders for Guardsmen activated in the fight against the new coronavirus. “As a number of state governors are now advising, the ongoing COVID-19 ...