The Air Force slashed the F-35 buy in its 2023 budget request to just 33 jets—15 fewer than it bought in 2022 and 27 fewer than 2021, saying it preferred to spend that money on other needed modernization programs and wait until the Block 4 ...
The Air Force may be planning to divest more than 1,400 airplanes over the next five years, with a net reduction of more than 1,000 after new ones are added in, a Nebraska Senator said in a budget hearing April 7. The Air Force would ...
A recent test flight of the Lockheed Martin HAWC air-breathing hypersonic missile set a record for scramjet propulsion at hypersonic speeds, achieving about 327 seconds of combustion, versus 200 seconds in a 2010 test of the Boeing X-51 Waverider.
With many lawmakers already pushing to increase the top line of the Pentagon’s fiscal 2023 budget, top defense officials acknowledged April 5 that their budget request was based off inflation rates that were “incorrect.” At the same time, they argued, the $773 billion request would ...
Budget compromises driven by the need to modernize two-thirds of the nuclear triad forced Air Force leaders to cut planned F-35 purchases in 2023 to just 33—15 fewer than it bought in fiscal 2022 and 27 fewer than 2021, said Lt. Gen. David S. Nahom, ...
The Air Force is asking Congress to retire 150 airplanes in its fiscal 2023 budget, including 33 of its advanced F-22 fighters, but it would also hand off 100 MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted aircraft to another government agency and buy more than 82 other new ...
The Department of the Air Force is requesting $234.1 billion in its 2023 budget request, of which $40.1 billion is "pass-through funds," or money the services will never see, while $169.5 billion is for USAF and $24.5 billion is for the Space Force. The budget ...