Space Force Chief Technology and Innovation Officer Lisa Costa called artificial intelligence a “game-changer” for the service during a recent Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies’ webinar event, highlighting its potential to enhance USSF’s operational capabilities and affect the global space race, while also acknowledging some ...
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WATCH: Achieving Information Dominance with SAIC

Sept. 11, 2023
Jay Meil, Chief Data Scientist of SAIC’s AI Innovation Factory, met with Air & Space Forces Magazine at the 2023 Air, Space & Cyber Conference on getting data to the warfighter to achieve information dominance.
The White House declassified its Indo-Pacific strategy on Jan. 13, revealing its hopes to bolster the military strength of India as a counter to China. It also aims to strengthen a “quadrilateral” alliance with Australia, India, and Japan to share advanced technology and protect democratic ...
The Air Force will flight test the U.S. military’s first hypersonic missile this month, Air Force acquisition boss Will Roper said Dec. 14 at the inaugural Doolittle Leadership Center Forum. Speaking on the theme of “From Acquisition to Lethality,” Roper also described progress on the ...
The Air Force must make the mindset change from focusing just on preparation for conflict to day-to-day competition with Russia, China and other adversaries, Air Combat Command chief Gen. Mark D. Kelly said Dec. 11. The service will be constantly vying for superiority in the ...
An artificial intelligence-powered mission-planning pod is slated to be the first capability deployed under the Air Force's Advanced Battle Management System concept, possible next year using technologies demonstrated in the series of combat experiments known as “on-ramps,” according to the Air Force’s top weapons buyer ...
Victoria Coleman is an outlier. The new director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has spent most of her career outside of the Pentagon, looking in. A native of Greece, she’s one of the few foreign-born people tapped to lead the military’s secretive band ...