The Air Force needs 2,100 more pilots to reach its goal of 21,000 aviators, indicating that efforts to stem the pilot shortage have not yet been successful. “Increasing production of new aviators remains the most significant lever we have to arrest aircrew shortages,” service officials ...
Details of how the Air Force Reserve will support the U.S. Space Force “haven’t been fully fleshed out,” but for now, any backup it provides will remain under the purview of Air Force Reserve Command, Reserve Chief Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee told Air Force Magazine ...
While NAS JRB Fort Worth-Carswell, Texas, is slated to become the primary home of Air Force Reserve Command’s future F-35As, AFRC is now reexamining three bases it has deemed “reasonable alternatives”—Whiteman Air Force Base, Mont., Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., and Homestead Air Reserve Base—to ...
A top Space Force official here argued the case for why the new service needed to become a standalone organization, praising Airmen at Buckley Air Force Base, Colo., for their role in warning U.S. troops overseas about the recent Iranian missile attack on an Iraqi ...
The Air Force’s new combat rescue helicopter will be named Jolly Green II. The new helicopter, slated to replace the HH-60G Pave Hawk, will carry on the name of the venerable Vietnam-era HH-3E, which flew combat rescue missions from 1967 to 1995. Air Force Secretary ...
Retired Maj. Gen. George M. Douglas, a former Air Force Association National President and Chairman of the Board, died Feb. 18 in Broomfield, Colo. He was 95. Douglas enlisted in the Army in 1943 and received his commission after World War II. He transferred to ...
Speed is an issue in developing and fielding new technology, but also in contracting for proven equipment. That’s why GE Aviation has developed a new approach to pricing designed to cut months of paperwork and manual effort from the process.
The threat of large-scale Iranian action against the United States has waned following the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed that country’s top military leader; however, small-scale attacks have returned, experts said Feb. 7. The strike at the Baghdad International Airport, which killed Iranian Quds ...