A new paper from the Hudson Institute argues that the Pentagon should dump the entire Joint Capabilities and Integration Development system, saying it has irretrievably failed and does more harm than good. In its place, the authors suggest a more service-oriented, bottom-up system that sets ...
The Ukraine war has taught that speedy countermeasures, flexible funding and exploiting off-the-shelf commercial technology are crucial to equipping forces for modern conflict, policy veterans of the Pentagon and Congress said on a CNAS webinar.
The Air Force should quickly and comprehensively adopt digital methods to regain the speed of fielding new gear necessary to match the "blistering" pace of China's modernization, a new Mitchell Institute paper recommends.
The Pentagon’s system of planning and budgeting needs a substantial overhaul, a blue-ribbon commission found, offering 28 recommendations that can help the Department of Defense deal with the quickening pace of technological change and increases in the threat, commissioners said.
The Pentagon needs a new acquisition system—parallel to the one that takes years to develop new physical platforms like airplanes and ships—to achieve the speed needed to achieve deterrence, Lockheed Martin CEO Jim Taiclet said this week.
Speed is surpassing cost and performance as the top priority in Air Force acquisition, and the upcoming Air Force reorganization will put high focus on it, service acquisition chief Andrew Hunter told reporters at AFA's Air, Space and Cyber conference.
As the Defense Department engages commercial entities to speed innovation, cultural and structural differences between government and the private sector continue to be the biggest hurdle to rapidly deploying new technology, the head of Air Force Futures told the influential Defense Innovation Board at a ...
Senior U.S. military space and intelligence leaders drove home a clear and consistent message at a gathering of space industry and government officials Jan. 24: The Department of the Air Force and the intelligence community must move from a bloated, complicated acquisition process to one ...