A T-38C instructor pilot failed to take control during a dangerous situation as the student pilot made an incorrect input during a formation landing in November 2019 at Vance Air Force Base, Okla., causing the Talon to flip and skid to a stop, killing both, ...
A long-standing problem with F-16 landing gear caused the December 2019 crash of a Viper upon landing at Kunsan Air Base, South Korea. The documented problems with actuators and brackets on the main landing gear of F-16 Block 32 and Block 40 aircraft prompted an ...
The improper installation of two parts caused an F-16's hydraulic system to fail, making the pilot lose control and crash into a warehouse in May 2019 while flying back to March Air Reserve Base, Calif., Air Force investigators found. The F-16 pilot successfully ejected before ...
An F-16 pilot mistakenly dropped an inert bomb on private property near Misawa Air Base, Japan, in November because of a failure of communication, according to a recently released Pacific Air Forces investigation into the incident. On Nov. 6, 2019, an F-16 with the 14th ...
An Air Force survival, evasion, resistance, and escape specialist died during a September 2019 parachute jump at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., because he overcontrolled his parachute, prompting an uncontrolled spin and hard landing, according to a recently released investigation. Staff Sgt. Adam Erickson, with ...
The combination of an electrical failure and bad weather caused a pilot to eject and an F-16 to crash shortly after taking off from Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, in October 2019, the Air Force announced. The pilot survived, but the F-16 was destroyed at a ...
An MQ-9 Reaper’s engine design led the drone to crash about 20 minutes after takeoff while deployed overseas in September 2018, a recently released Air Force accident investigation concluded. “Engineering analysis of the data logs, engine components, and propeller governor, as well as reports from ...