The Senate on Oct. 26 confirmed Maj. Gen. Robert J. Skinner as the next head of the Defense Information Systems Agency, as well as for promotion to lieutenant general. Skinner, who currently oversees command, control, communications, and cyber operations for U.S. Indo-Pacific Command in Hawaii, was ...
Air Combat Command will soon set up an electromagnetic spectrum warfare wing that will most likely fall under 16th Air Force, Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Stephen W. “Seve” Wilson said in an AFA “Airmen in the Fight” streaming program Oct. 30. The announcement closely ...
If China invaded Taiwan, how would it play out on the Internet and mobile devices? Over the course of four weeks in late August and early September, Airmen in the 16th Air Force information warfare organization explored how to mine social media and other forms ...
A new 867th Cyberspace Operations Group stood up at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, on Sept. 18 to streamline the Air Force’s cyber offense and defense, as well as its intelligence collection in the digital realm. “We now have the ability to focus on two ...
The Air Force has to change the way it thinks, trains, and ultimately fights, including shedding a “geographical mindset,” to win the new wars of the information age and maximize the value of combining cyber capabilities, electromagnetic warfare, and information operations. That was the takeaway ...
Gen. Mark D. Kelly took over leadership of Air Combat Command from Gen. James "Mike" Holmes August 28, in a change-of-command ceremony at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va. Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown and Kelly both praised Holmes for his wisdom and many fundamental ...
Air Combat Command is preparing to consolidate its fighter, rescue, and command-and-control enterprises into a new numbered air force that will help military leaders wield those forces more effectively. This month, the Air Force will bring its Ninth and 12th Air Forces under one roof ...
The severity of military spouse unemployment and underemployment differs by zip code, and job droughts in communities surrounding some U.S. military bases may be making it harder for spouses to find work, even if they’re armed with college degrees, a new report from The Deloitte ...
16th Air Force achieved full operational capability July 13, less than a year after the former 24th and 26th Air Forces were combined into a single number air force headquartered in San Antonio. It combines intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, cyber, electronic warfare, and information operations. ...
Flight testing of top-priority programs is ramping back up this week at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., and other locations around the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command chief Gen. Arnold Bunch Jr. said. New procedures are balancing urgent operational needs with the safety of ...
Gen. Charles Q. Brown sat down with reporters at AFA’s Air Warfare Symposium, just days before officially being tapped as the next Chief of Staff of the Air Force. The wide-ranging interview touched on Joint All-Domain Command and Control, logistics while under attack, the challenges ...
The Air Force is using its first information warfare cell to support cyber operations, part of a new approach to digital, “gray zone” combat. The IW cell brings together experts in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; electronic warfare; cyber; information operations; and public affairs, according to ...