According to the year-end statistics released Tuesday by the Pentagon, all the services and their reserve components met or exceeded their enlisted recruiting goals for Fiscal 2009. The Pentagon’s end-of-year numbers vary from that reported earlier by Air Force Reserve Command, but AFRC still ended the year early and well ahead of its goal. Each USAF component had a higher goal than in 2008. The active Air Force, trying to restore personnel after aborting an attempt to shed people to pay for recapitalization, sought more than 4,000 enlistees over last year’s goal. The Air National Guard upped its goal by nearly a thousand, as did AFRC. While the numbers are encouraging, Air Force officials are on record saying they believe that recruiting and retaining the right skill mix as the active force reaches toward an end strength of some 332,000 next year will not be easy.
Less than 18 months after telling Guardians to quit using ChatGPT and other emerging artificial intelligence tools while the service examined the risks and opportunities they posed, a Space Force leader said Feb. 26 the service has “done so much” to explore and expand AI adoption.