The Air Force’s Active Duty component met its numerical recruiting accession goals through April, the seventh month of Fiscal 2012, according to the Pentagon’s newest recruiting data, released on May 22. The Active Duty force brought in 16,309 accessions, exactly matching its fiscal-year-to-date goal. The Air National Guard attracted 4,893 new recruits through April, 14 more than its target. Rounding out the Total Force, the Air Force Reserve met its fiscal-year-to-date goal by accepting 5,013 new accessions, show the Defense Department’s figures. All of the other services’ Active Duty forces met or exceeded their year-to-date targets. Across their reserve components, only the Army National Guard did not meet or exceed its recruiting goal through April. (See also our coverage of March’s recruiting numbers.)
The Pentagon plans to use U.S. Air Force C-17s and C-130s to deport 5,400 people currently detained by Customs and Border Protection, officials announced Jan. 22, the first act in President Donald Trump’s sweeping promise to crack down on undocumented immigrants and increase border security.