Spotlight: SMSgt. David L. Newman

One of the Air Force’s 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year for 2011, SMSgt. David L. Newman is a superintendent for knowledge operations management in US Strategic Command’s global operations directorate (J3) at Offutt AFB, Neb. Newman orchestrated more than 1,800 taskings related to nuclear command and control policy and forecast more than 50 nuclear inspections across five platforms, helping revive NC2 accountability. He received a Joint Service Achievement Medal for leading the response team when STRATCOM headquarters flooded. Among other accomplishments, he spearheaded a two-day Combatant Commander Liaison Officer conference; revamped an evaluation program, improving quality and timeliness; led J3 implementation of the Defense Department’s Translingual Instant Messaging (TrIM) initiative; and worked with several Army and Air Force inspectors general on employing Defense Connect Online to capture testimony to save money and expedite investigations. Newman’s home of record is Port Hueneme, Calif. He represents the Air Force District of Washington among this year’s outstanding airmen. The Daily Report is shining the spotlight on each OAY. Also featured to date:

TSgt. Ricardo A. Chavez SrA. Nora L. Limjoco

TSgt. Dustin K. Goodwin SrA. Daniel T. Skidmore

TSgt. Bradley A. Williams SrA. Ulla B. Stromberg

SSgt. Jordan S. Bishopp SrA. Raven S. Taylor

SSgt. John C. Norris