An aerospace medical service journeyman with the 48th Inpatient Squadron at RAF Lakenheath, Britain, SSgt. Lauren A. Everett is one of the Air Force’s Outstanding Airmen of the Year for 2013. On a provincial reconstruction team in Afghanistan, Everett conducted lifesaving medical procedures while under enemy attack, gathered intelligence, and augmented forward operating base security forces. She received both the Army Commendation Medal and Army Combat Medic Badge. She was the lead combat lifesaver instructor, illustrating tactics to multinational personnel. As one of the few trained to detect traumatic brain injury, she made early identification in 51 cases, securing treatment for these personnel and ensuring their successful return to duty. Additionally, she coordinated medical care for more than 100 civilians and contractors, assessed numerous trauma patients, and supported nearly 100 outside-the-wire missions. Everett’s home of record is Jackson, Mo. The Daily Report is shining the spotlight on each OAY in the days up to AFA’s Air & Space Conference that starts on Sept. 16 in National Harbor, Md. AFA will honor these airmen there. Also featured to date: SSgt. Joshua L. Hanna, SSgt. Joseph C. Senteno, SrA. Casey L. Anderson, and SrA. Steven C. Hedgepeth.
A prototype aircraft tug being tested out at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. could save MQ-9 Reaper maintainers time and money and cut down on safety risks on the flightline.