Gen. Robert Kehler, Air Force Space Command leader, last week inducted the command’s 2009 Space and Missile Pioneers during a ceremony at Peterson AFB, Colo. This year’s five inductees are Benjamin Blasingame, Roger Easton, retired Col. Vernon Hastings, Robert Naka, and retired Col. Bradford Parkinson. Blasingame and Hastings were pioneers in the development of the Air Force’s early ICBMs. Easton was co-author of the 1955 Project Vanguard scientific satellite proposal and supervised its construction. Naka was a key player in the development of missile warning and space surveillance radars as well as reconnaissance systems. And Parkinson was a leading figure in the early days of space-based positioning, navigation, and timing systems. (Peterson release)
Chauncey McIntosh joins Air & Space Forces Magazine from Lockheed Martin’s F-35 facility in Fort Worth, Texas, to discuss Lockheed’s near- and long-term visions for the F-35 program, expectations for Tech Refresh 3 (TR-3), the effectiveness and value of a...