The first Space Based Space Surveillance satellite has completed final testing and is set for launch from Vandenberg AFB, Calif., on Sept. 25, Boeing announced Tuesday. It was originally supposed to go into orbit back in July, but the Air Force delayed the launch after a software glitch came to light with the Minotaur IV rocket, the launch vehicle that will carry this satellite into space. SBSS will be a critical asset since it will be the Air Force’s only space-based sensor capable of detecting and monitoring orbital debris. “Every day, threats to our nation’s valuable satellites and space platforms are growing,” said Col. J.R. Jordan, vice commander of the Space and Superiority Systems Wing at Los Angeles AFB, Calif. He added, “SBSS will revolutionize our ability to find and monitor objects that could harm the space assets we depend on.”
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Jan. 22, 2025
In a modern, connected military, software is crucial to every step of every operation, from planning to coordination and logistics to target engagement. But as threats and requirements change, software needs to change too. If requirements change faster than developers can...