Oct. 22, 2013

This airman from Aviano AB, Italy, won more than $50,000 on TV’s Jeopardy quiz show.
Who is Capt. Stuart Anderson Correct. Anderson, chief of military justice for Aviano’s 31st Fighter Wing, won a grand total of $51,601 over the course of four episodes. Taped in mid-September, the first of these episodes ran on Oct. 15, according to Aviano’s Oct. 21 release. “It was my first time on national television,” said Anderson. “They had told us that the live audience was going to be very loud. I can tell you—you don’t really notice it. When you’re up on the platform, there are bright lights which make it hard to see, so you [are] focused more on the questions,” he said. Anderson
auditioned for the show in October 2012. (Aviano
report by SrA. Michael Battles)