The Air Force Academy has selected Insitu’s ScanEagle remotely piloted aircraft to train cadets on planning and executing RPA missions. “ScanEagle was chosen because it is a superior system that is extremely intuitive, giving cadets a hands-on learning experience almost from day one,” said Lt. Col. David Latham of the academy. He noted that ScanEagle is well-suited for operations at higher altitudes and in extreme temperatures. “At a fraction of the cost of larger [RPA] platforms, the ScanEagle provides a cost-effective and efficient option for the Air Force to train cadets,” added Insitu’s Mary Margaret Evans. Insitu is a wholly owned independent subsidiary of Boeing (Insitu release)
Northrop Grumman has received a second B-21 bomber low-rate initial production contract from the Air Force, with which it has discussed accelerating production, the company said.