Air Force Personnel Center officials on Tuesday published Air Force Instruction 36-2905, the document that lays out the service’s new fitness program that goes into effect July 1. The Air Force unveiled the new fitness program last June and initially expected it to take effect on Jan. 1. But its implementation was subsequently delayed by six months to give airmen more time to transition to the new standards, which place more emphasis on the aerobic component, and for major commands to establish necessary training elements. Until then, airmen will continue to test under the present system, but also receive feedback so that they understand the requirements outlined in the new instruction, said CMSgt. Mark Long, chief of enlisted promotions, evaluations, and fitness policy. (Randolph release) (Air Force Fitness Program Web site) (AFI 36-2905; caution large file.)
How Airmen and Guardians prepare for and perform operations may be very different, but the Air Force and Space Force’s models for generating those forces aren’t all that dissimilar in their focus on readiness and teamwork, leaders said March 5 at the AFA Warfare Symposium.