Lawmakers who take opposite views on the need for the F-22 Raptor agreed on one thing during Thursday’s Center for Strategic and International Studies program on tactical aviation issues—the decision to limit the buy to 187 aircraft appears devoid of strategic analysis. Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), in whose state the F-22 is assembled, agreed with two retired military aviators (see above), saying the cuts were “purely budget-driven choices made without any analysis of the risk” to national strategy. Even Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.), an F-22 critic, said he was dismayed that “the strategic template for ‘why?’ was missing” from the April 6 announcements.
The roles and missions executed by Air Force warriors are essential to the nation’s security. Yet after three decades of constant demand and minimal replenishment, our Air Force is too small and too old. It needs to be rebuilt. The Trump administration and Congress must fund that modernization to ensure…