Promotion testing will continue as scheduled even though the printed version of the 2011 professional development guide will be delayed until late December, according to Air Force personnel officials. The Air Force requires that all study materials be made available at least 60 days prior to the test date, but because an online version of the pamphlet has been available since April on the Air Force e-publishing website, that requirement has been met, they said. That means the upcoming 12E8 senior master sergeant cycle, which runs Dec. 5-16 and is the first testing cycling using the 2011 guide, will continue as planned. Airmen can download the digital version of the guide onto portable digital devices, such as smart phones, e-readers, and tablets. “There is no difference between the online version [dated Oct. 1, 2011] and the printed version being distributed in December,” said CMSgt. Michael Helfer, Air Force Personnel Center’s enlisted promotions and military testing branch chief. (Randolph release) (Online guide; caution, extremely large file.)
Northrop Grumman has received a second B-21 bomber low-rate initial production contract from the Air Force, with which it has discussed accelerating production, the company said.