The Air Force is on track to complete by June 30 the initial training program that is part of the process of repealing the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, Lt. Gen. Darrell Jones, Air Staff lead for personnel issues, told the Daily Report Thursday. Officials began training the first two tiers of airmen—leadership and the experts who will deal directly with repeal implementation—on Feb. 14. Training for everyone else began March 1, he said. “We haven’t had a lot of significant issues so far,” said Jones. “I think [Chief of Staff] Gen. [Norton] Schwartz said it best when he said he was a lot more comfortable with repeal now than he was at the start of the roll out based on comments we are getting back from the field.” Pentagon officials have said they are aiming to get 100 percent of units of trained before Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen certify the changes to Pentagon policies and regulations—one of the final steps before the Clinton-era DADT law is overturned and homosexuals are allowed to serve openly.
NATO is evolving its defense strategy and military posture, drawing on lessons learned from Ukraine's conflict. NATO and Ukraine launched the Joint Analysis Training and Education Centre (JATEC) in Poland to leverage real-time lessons from the ongoing conflict to inform the Allies' defense planning.